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Why Do Republicans Hate Gay Soldiers?

September 22, 2010

    John McCain led the filibuster and as a result the Republicans used their minority status to block the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. His filibuster means that the Senate will not even debate the repeal of DADT.   

    So why does John McCain hate American troops and why did other Republicans go along with the hate spree?   

    Well it all fits in with the Summer of Hate. This is a continuance of the bashing of minorities that we saw whipped up by Republicans during the Summer when they decided to bash Muslim Americans for “the crime” of being Muslim.   

    Sadly, Senator Blanche Lincoln gave Republicans cover and voted with Republicans, as did her Arkansas partner in hate Mark Pryor. Who does she think will vote for her? Dancing with bigots will not save her seat. She has just thrown away any chance of any of the Democratic base voting for her. I will eat a big dish of crow pie of she manages to hold on.   

    The final vote was 56-43. Harry Reid voted no at last-minute, which allows him as Senate Leader to bring the bill back.   

    Lisa Murkowski, the Senator successfully out primaried by a loony tea party candidate did not vote.   

    So on first glance it appears that the lobbying of Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins by Lady Gaga failed. I doubt it and I also doubt that the “Maine sisters” have heard the last of Lady Gaga. She has moved them away from outright Republican hatred of gays for a start.   

    They now claim that they are committed to ending Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, but that the big bad Democratic Party would not let Republicans have an open amendment process, and so they just couldn’t vote to allow for debate. This is nothing but a ridiculously obvious stupid lie. An excuse for inaction because they know that the GOP will if elected never vote to repeal DADT.   

    Here is Senator Levin pointing out the idiocy of Collins argument about why her vote to refuse any debate is because she is concerned about a lack of debate. Collins is first.   

    The simple fact is they joined with their fellow Republicans to not even allow debate on the repeal of DADT. By their vote they decided to continue the Summer of Hate.   

    One thing for sure is that it is an absolutely stupid idea that a 56-43 vote to debate means the vote fails. The filibuster must go or be reformed. It is not good for democracy.   

    Most Western military forces have now removed policies excluding sexual minority members; of the 26 countries that participate militarily in NATO, 22 permit open lesbians, gays, or bisexuals to serve; of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, three (United Kingdom, France, and Russia) do so. The United States stands alone in its policies of discrimination.   

    America, thanks to Republicans, continues to have a similar policy to these great nations   




  • Cuba
  • China
  • Egypt
  • Greece
  • Iran
  • Jamaica
  • North Korea
  • Pakistan
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Serbia
  • Singapore
  • South Korea
  • Syria
  • Turkey
  • Venezuela
  • Yemen


    Yay for Republicans. What a great bunch of freedom loving nations to stand with.   

12 Comments leave one →
  1. September 22, 2010 9:45 pm

    Wow ……I would love to debate your idea`s join me if you dare:

  2. Mark P. Kessinger permalink
    September 22, 2010 11:17 pm

    Your observation concerning the filibuster is spot on. The one thing the Democrats should NOT be able to get away with on this is simply pointing to Republican obstruction by way of a filibuster. Sure, they filibustered, as they have just about every initiative the Democrats and this President have proposed over the past two years. It should have been fully anticipated.

    But where the Democratic accountability comes in is in the fact that, while Republicans have abused the filibuster outrageously for the past two years, what serious effort (beyond a few idle threats or a position paper buried somewhere on a Committee Chairperson’s desk) have the Democrats undertaken to reform these ridiculous Senate rules that are enabling, in effect, minority rule? Answer: none. And it’s inexcusable.

    • September 25, 2010 1:53 pm

      Senate rules are decided at the start of teh Senate term. So after January they can be changed but not before.

    • November 30, 2010 10:28 pm

      To all drones on this site:

      filibustering can only happen when the senate does not have to votes to impart closure. The democrats have had a filibuster PROOF majority in the senate since 2008. They have had control of the house and senate since 2006. The democrats couldn`t pass their agenda because they could not get the votes of their own PARTY MEMBERS. They didn`t need the republicans they had a majority in the house and senate. Bottom line…….America hates your ruling class agenda and they threw your asses out in NOV. Progressivism is the Enemy of America and a parasite to all forms of freedom. BTW…..this is not s democracy …..educate yourselves so you don`t sound so moronic.

      • November 30, 2010 11:16 pm

        By “educate yourself” I assume you mean “listen to Glenn Beck”. Since I do, I recongnize the talking points you regurgitated in your comment.

        We know what filibuster means. Now, do YOU know what “cloture” means? Because that is really the issue, not filibuster.
        And BTW, the American public voted the president and the congress into office based on exactly the agenda upon which they campaigned. A lot of polls show the dissatisfaction with our leaders is that they have no backbone to stand up for what they campaigned for, not because it’s too liberal.

        • December 1, 2010 6:47 am

          Did anyone ever tell you that you strongly resemble Ron Perlman the guy who plays “Clay” on Sons of Anarchy.

          Now to the important stuff:

          The drones like yourself will never be educated , swayed, or changed. Our two political sides will never be reconciled, just like North and South Korea or Vietnam. Someday I truly believe we will raise arms against one another because we truly hate one another. I will never believe anything a progressive drone says, and likewise you will never believe anything I say.

          The left is always angry, mean, intrusive, greedy, and covetous. The conservative movement is about being free, and letting your neighbor live free. It`s about private property, liberty, and individual responsibility. I don`t owe you a damn thing that I have earned and I choose to protect my rights and my private property with my second amendment rights; both from an out of control Federal government or a thieving citizen who votes for democrats.


          • Anonymous permalink
            December 1, 2010 8:51 am

            What about the country you selfish bigot are destroying!

        • December 1, 2010 6:56 am

          BTW…..thank you for your service to our country. Your probably a really nice guy……I just can`t stomach drones that support Government tyranny. To think guys like you look to these idiot politicians on both sides of the isle to fix all your woes. Get a set…….fix your own woes…`s called “self governance” Any fool can ask Daddy and Mommy to do it for them, grow up.

  3. December 1, 2010 11:29 am

    To Anonymous:

    Please enlighten us genius on all the things you consider to be destroying the country. I`m serious…..can you actually put a single coherent logical thought together? If so I would truly love some facts to chew on with you. The problem with drones is that they think with their emotions not their god given intellect. This is why they normally break down into angry diatribes of incoherent dribble. Facts: 1) democrats have had control of the house and senate since 2006. 2) Democrats have had a filibuster proof majority in the senate for two years. 3) Bush wanted to reform Freddi and Fannie but the dems refused to cooperate ( all anyone has to do is take time to watch live footage and you will see the democrats caused this financial meltdown period. 4) This congress has attacked every aspect of private business while growing government jobs and spending enormous amounts of money on lavish lifestyles for democrats. They also continue to spout rhetoric which frightens businesses and investors ( you know the ones who create jobs) 5) government jobs ( while they are jobs) have to have private sector tax revenue to pay their salaries; if the private sector is failing so will the public sector, DUH!!
    Ok, enough of educating drones I have other things to do today, lol

    • December 1, 2010 12:07 pm

      okay. there’s a lot to cover here. The reference to destroying the country (though I’m not 100% sure what anonymous meant) was probably to the disasterous supply side economic theory. It caused the great depression, it lengthened it, it caused the post-reagan recession and it caused the Bush the Lesser recession we are enjoying now.

      2. You personally don’t “owe” me personally a damned thing. However, as a citizen of this country you are engaged in a social compact. you do owe your share of taxes for all the things you use – which includes just about every aspect of your life. Don’t like entitlement programs? Don’t like regulatory agencies? there are countries you can move to that allow the elderly to starve or die of preventable illness and that also allow corporations to sell you whatever damned poison or horrifically dangerous car they want to. I’ve been in them.

      3. There are certain things that we simply cannot allow the private sector to do because the best interest of the public is often diametrically opposed to the best interest of corporations. They prove it time and time again that profits too often go before people. We privatized prisons and now it is a booming business. Meanwhile we have more people incarcerated than any other nation on earth, the vast majority of which are non-violent criminals – for which you pay about 20 grand a year per. Who do you think lobbies for stricter drug laws and tougher sentencing? Surprise – the private prison industry. We cut “entitlement” programs like Headstart, even though long-term studies show that for every dollar spent on headstart reduces criminal justice costs by 9. But that doesn’t make the private sector any money. That is only one example, of which there are many more.

      Now, you’ve coaxed me into responding, which I don’t normally do, to this extent, leaving the discussion of the post to the commenters. And I’ve managed to do so without calling you any names.

  4. December 1, 2010 5:23 pm

    “the disastrous supply side economic theory. It caused the great depression”

    My liberal friend, this is an enormous generality. I have been a small business owner for 15 years, and I had gross receipts of about $300,000. I employed about 6 people who I did 1099 forms for. These people took their pay and bought food, cloths etc; I also provided jobs for Walmart employees, gas station attendants, chicken plant employees who made my chicken,etc.

    When the economy fell in 2008, I saw absolutely nothing from Obama which would stir economic growth in the private sector. Every day some frightening announcement would come from the White House or the congress that put business owners and investors on the run to hide.

    The government you drones love so much has no other source of income except the tax revenue of the private sector. You must make up your minds; do you want the private sector to grow and feed your all powerful centralized government, or do you starve the private sector to death threw your precious progressive tax code. The other option is to just confiscate all private business and let the government keep all profits and dole out a salary to all Americans. Gosh none of those quite work for you guys either do they; nope you all just keep hoping to have private citizens live under your morality and let you and your government decide how much money they can keep.

    So, you guys keep voting for politicians who will use the police power of government to steal wealth from private citizens. This is covetousness and greed. It is far more greedy to steal something that is not yours than to want to keep what you have earned. Understand something drones, no society in human history has been able to create so called economic justice threw government rule or legislation without police power and tyranny.

    America has become the richest nation on earth in the shortest time because of limited government and free markets. There have always been people who think life isn`t fair; there have always been people who would rather be a slave to government then to have to make it on their own in life. You drones support this to the point of the immoral theft of another citizens wealth, your own damn neighbor!

    I support a government safety net, my own mother was on medicare before she died of Cancer. If we got your illegal constituents and all the other leeches on the ass of society off the government dole; those citizens who really need help would have far more, and better benefits. But, if we took welfare brood mares, junkies, Mexicans, and all the other leeches off the dole you jerks would have no votes. The same police power you so happily give to politicians will someday turn on you and your freedom. Government is at best a necessary evil and at its worst a cruel master to those who give it power. Wake the hell up fool, what makes you drones so sure you can do it better than all of human history; that the government powers you create won`t turn on you like every other damn government in history has. Damn you people are so naive and so trusting of government.

    I hope we can make a law some day that says; while you are on the government dole you loose your right to vote for one calendar year. One last thing , that horse shit you spouted about taxes paying for roads and bla,bla,bla. Have you seen the damn roads and bridges in this country? Government sucks period! grow a set of nuts pal and take care of yourself, if you want to give to the leeches on the ass of society; no one is stopping you drones from doing so. We conservatives would like to live by our own damn morality not yours. Take someone else`s damn money like ……I don`t know …..George Soros and leave mine family alone !!!


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